Effective Spares Strategies

Effective spare parts management drives efficiency and creates savings for companies, whether they’re regularly dealing with large, high-value assets, a range of smaller machines and systems or a mix of both. The 3 major benefits of effective spare strategies are: http://www.inspirage.com/2015/03/effective-spare-parts-management-and-services-is-crucial-for-optimization-success/
Resourcing Strategies

Operating in a constant production environment requires the optimum number of resources that are trained to the right competency level. Alternatively, that would mean having the right service agreements in place that enable the level of service to be maintained to support operational requirements. Internal or external resourcing will depend on the individual companies’ requirements […]
Effective Planning and Scheduling

Without proper planning and scheduling, work quality, equipment/asset uptime, and maintenance productivity will not be at levels to support required operating profiles. The reasons for this are: As can be seen, effective maintenance planning and scheduling is a cornerstone processes that can assist with attaining excellence in operations and subsequently be able to support constant […]
Volume at All Costs

In this “Lower for Longer” business environment and the “Volume at all costs” operating model, what is the best way to maximise profits and returns? Lower for longer refers to the current market expectation that commodity prices will remain at levels lower than they have been for decades. As resource prices start to improve such as […]
A Journey of Maintenance Procedures

As professionals in the maintenance space, much of our work is guided by information that we receive, instructing us how to carry out maintenance tasks or activities. How much that information has changed over time is mind-boggling, and even more so the ‘way’ it is now presented to today’s maintainers. We asked a K2 employee […]