Operating in a constant production environment requires the optimum number of resources that are trained to the right competency level. Alternatively, that would mean having the right service agreements in place that enable the level of service to be maintained to support operational requirements.
Internal or external resourcing will depend on the individual companies’ requirements however having the right number of resources with the right competencies available at the right time means downtime associated with both scheduled and unscheduled stoppages is minimised.
Importance of Reliability-Based Maintenance in Today’s Market
Producing quality services or providing services at a competitive price is essential for surviving in today’s business environment. We are forced to look for better, efficient ways of doing things on a continual basis. We in the maintenance and reliability field are constantly challenged to implement the safest, best and cost-effective way of ensuring the reliability and availability of our assets.
We have come to call these our best practices and strategies, but it is not as simple as putting something into effect. The true implementation of best practices and strategies requires learning, re-learning, benchmarking and realising better ways of ensuring high reliability and availability of our equipment and systems.
Reliability-Based Maintenance Fundamentals provides a foundation of basic knowledge, understanding and skills that may allow you to:
“Create an environment whereby asset maintenance and integrity events are measured to determine their impact on the business, safety and environmental goals of your assets. This results in strategies that are adapted to maximise the reliability and availability of your assets, in relation to safety business and environmental performance.”

Written by Alastair Krebs, Principal Consultant